Research project step #4: Final Paper Topic: Women’s rights, also known as the feminist movement

Research project: Final paper, 150 points, 15% of final grade, due week 8

Your final paper will be the culmination of your research over the semester. It will be a minimum of 12 pages, plus a separate cover page and separate page for your bibliography.

The main part, your narrative will include the thesis, Introduction, the description/content of your research, and the conclusion.

The Introduction section should clearly state the thesis within the first 1-2 paragraphs. The thesis must be relevant and appropriate to the argument and demonstrate an accurate and complete understanding of the question(s).

The main part should incorporate pertinent details from assigned coursework and reliable outside historical sources. If in doubt about a sources, ask your instructor). The section must provide relevant historical evidence to support the thesis and the key claims made in the argument as needed. It should maintain focus and avoid getting sidetracked. It should present your answer(s) to the question(s) asked clearly and concisely in an organized manner and it should be free of grammar & spelling errors.

The conclusion section should be in the last part of your essay exam within the last 1-2 paragraphs. It should briefly restate the thesis and summarize the main points of the argument. It should also demonstrate insight and understanding regarding the question(s) asked and it should be free of grammar & spelling errors.

1. The challenges American women have faced in demanding equality in the U.S.
2. The barriers between various ethnicities and backgrounds of women trying to achieve the same goals
3. The strategies women are using to advance their causes
4. The commonalities of women’s issues around the globe

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