Week 4 Discussion: Explore the Health Needs of a Population 15 15

To create your initial post to this discussion forum, complete the following steps.

Step 1: Find an article.
Identify one peer-reviewed article from a nursing journal focused on the health needs of one of
the following populations in the United States:

  • People with disabilities
  • People who are incarcerated (in jail or prison)
  • People who are refugees
  • People who are homeless

Step 2: Read the article.
Critically read the article. While you read, note the purpose of the article, the methodology of
data collection, how evidence is incorporated into the nursing implications, the major ideas of the article, whether the article makes sense, whether the conclusions are logical, and so on.

Step 3: Summarize the article and propose a population-based intervention Summarize the article, including the evidence and conclusions, as well as the implications for population-based nursing.
Based on your reading, propose one population-focused intervention to improve on the issue
raised in the article. Provide details and specifics for the intervention. Make sure that you use APA format to properly cite the article.

Step 4: Post to the discussion forum.
Post the summary of your article to the discussion forum.

In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of
your peers’ posts by Friday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time. Read other students’ article summaries and respond to at least two other students’ postings that focused on the health needs of two populations that were different from the one you chose. (Step 1 lists the three populations.) What else do you want to know about the health need? Comment and/or expand on the implications for population-based nursing posed for the other two populations. Give suggestions for enhancing the proposed interventions. Expand on aspects of population-based and community-based nursing as defined by others that are different from or complementary to your own ideas.

Search entries or author

Your initial post should be 2-3 paragraphs long and follow the requirements outlined in the discussion rubric. Please add to the discussion in your peer responses with informative responses, instead of posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.” The initial post and the peer responses have different deadlines. Make sure that your discussion adheres to these deadlines.
APA guidelines and plagiarism prevention matter in discussion posts just like with other
scholarly assignments. Cite all references appropriately using APA format