Choose a drug. Describe the original source for its active ingredient, the original world region from where it came, and how it was originally used in this cultural context. Outline the key innovations that have made the drug more potent, more available, and less expensive over time. Finally, describe how and for what purposes it is used today.

Give citations to course readings or to other scholarly work to support your statements (websites are not acceptable). The Courtwright book and the textbook are excellent sources of material for the assignment.

Use APA style for citations and references. You can find guidelines on how to use APA citation and reference formats at the following website. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/02/ Links to an external site.

If you choose to use evidence from a book, please include page numbers in the in-text citation.

See syllabus for the specific details of assignment length and submission. The written portion of the assignment is limited to a page, but you can add the citations on a second page.