Race and Self-Development in Children


Young children develop an understanding of self between 15 and 24 months. This starts with self-awareness, the realization that we are separate from others. Children begin to refer to themselves by name, recognize themselves in the mirror and start to attach qualities to themselves. As children get older the sense of self is not only based on the individual characteristics of the person but also based on the groups we belong to. This leads to the gradual development of an identity.

Class Material needed for essay

Tatum, B.D (2017). Is my skin brown because I drank chocolate milk. YouTube.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_TFaS3KW6s



In this discussion post write an analysis and reflection:


Describe the development of children’s racial self and how our understanding of race is influenced by socialization processes.
Identify how may parents help children develop a better understanding of their racial self/ identity.


What were your first experiences related to race? Did you talk to adults? If so, what messages did you receive
How did/ does this influence your racial sense of self and cross racial understanding?
What recommendations would you give to parents and caregivers?