Project one


  • Describe why your company needs to diversify. What problem will diversifying the company solve? What kinds of quantitative and qualitative data will you target in your research on the current auto industry and the new industry?
  • Using information from your research, provide a broad description of the U.S. automotive industry. Be sure to include information related to each item listed above. Make sure to include the following information:

*the total value of the industry

*sales by region

*sales by fuel and motor type (electric, hybrid, gas, diesel)

*sales by body types of vehicles sold (e.g., SUVs, trucks, sedans)

*any other relevant data that will help your manager understand the current automotive industry

3- Using information from your research, provide a broad description of the U.S. automotive industry. Be sure to include information related to each item listed above.

  • Using data from your research, write your description of the current market trends in the automotive industry. Be sure to include information related to each item listed above.
  • List your research sources using APA Style. You’ll need to double-space and format these references with a hanging indent after you download your project as a Word document.
  • Provide a broad description of the new industry (The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA)) that includes information about its sales, overall value, growth potential, and current competitors.
  • Describe the current market trends impacting the new industry (

The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA)). Be sure to include information related to each question posed above.

  • Below are your sources from Part 1. Add the sources you used for your research into the new industry. Remember that APA reference lists should be in alphabetical order by the first word of the entry (usually the author’s last name).
  • Describe the rivalry among existing competitors in the new industry you’ve identified (The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA))
  • Describe the threats of new entrants to the market in the new industry (The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA))
  • Describe the bargaining power of suppliers in the new industry (The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA)).
  • Describe the threat of substitute products in the new industry (The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA)).
  • Describe the bargaining power of buyers in the new industry (The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA)).
  • Summarize each of the five forces related to the new industry (The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA)in just one sentence per force. Be sure to assess the effect of each force as low, medium, or high in your summary. These summaries will be pulled into a chart like the one shown above when you download Project One:
Porter’s Five Forces Summary
Rivalry Among Existing Competitors Low/medium/high because …
Threats of New Entrants Low/medium/high because …
Bargaining Power of Suppliers Low/medium/high because …
Threat of Substitute Products Low/medium/high because …
Bargaining Power of Buyers



  • Below are the sources you’ve included so far. Add the sources you used for your research on this page. Remember that APA reference lists should be in alphabetical order by the first word of the entry (usually the author’s last name).
  • Describe the rivalry among your company’s existing competitors (supplying engines to the automotive manufacturing industry).
  • Describe the threats of new entrants to the automotive manufacturing industry.
  • Describe the bargaining power of suppliers in the automotive manufacturing industry.
  • Describe the bargaining power of buyers in the automotive manufacturing industry.
  • Summarize each of the five forces you described on this page in just one sentence per force. Be sure to assess the effect of each force as low, medium, or high in your summary. These summaries will be pulled into a chart like the one above when you download Project One.
Porter’s Five Forces Summary
Rivalry Among Existing Competitors Low/medium/high because …
Threats of New Entrants Low/medium/high because …
Bargaining Power of Suppliers Low/medium/high because …
Threat of Substitute Products Low/medium/high because …
Bargaining Power of Buyers

20- Below are the sources you’ve included so far. Add the sources you used for your research on this page. Remember that APA reference lists should be in alphabetical order by the first word of the entry (usually the author’s last name).

21-Explain how the two industries are similar and different based on your Porter’s Five Forces analyses.

22- Summarize how your findings address the original problem. Your summary should utilize the information from your research and analysis to support your recommendation regarding diversification.