Develop a slide presentation or video that is designed to have a strong impact on the audience by revising the draft you shared in this week’s discussion. Your digital media presentation is not necessarily testing your design skills, though you should certainly try to practice the design suggestions provided in the Writing Center resources. More importantly, you are practicing your composition skills by applying persuasive strategies in a new context with visual media. You will demonstrate visual rhetoric skills by combining text and images to compel your audience to recognize the importance of your argument for change.

Your presentation will need to meet the following criteria:

A clear argument for change in your community
Designed with a specific audience in mind to motivate your viewers to take action or change how they think about the topic.
Slide presentation or video format
Contains at least 8–10 slides (slide presentation, not including the title and references slide) or lasts approximately 1–2 minutes (video).
Research from at least four reliable sources to support the main message, including graphics. These can be sources from previous units.
Minimally, two information-oriented visuals like a chart, diagram, or infographic (e.g., photo, table, diagram, chart, etc.) to represent key information in your argument.
Relevant clip art, stock photos, and design templates that are visually engaging and reinforce the overall theme of the presentation.
Research and visuals are cited in APA citation format, both in-text and on a references slide or in a separate Word document if you create a video. You need to quote material taken directly from a source. The same standards for documenting sources apply to a presentation that apply to an essay.

Note: Do not use the “Notes” section for citation or adding details to help the audience understand. The presentation needs to be clear based on what the audience can see and “Notes” are meant only for the speaker. Your instructor will not review the “Notes” section if you use PowerPoint.

Images that require attribution should have an APA formatted in-text citation and APA formatted reference entry. If using images from a Creative Commons site like Unsplash, please provide the website logo with images that are freely available so that your instructor knows they do not require an APA reference entry.

Noted below are the specific requirements for this unit’s assignment:

Title page/slide with the presentation title, your name, and course information.
PowerPoints must be submitted in .ppt or .pptx format. Turnitin cannot read .pptm files or Keynote files.
If you are submitting a video, Vimeo®, PowToon, Prezi, etc., please submit a separate Word document with the title page, references page, a link to the presentation, and the text for your presentation.
References to sources, including graphics, are cited in APA style, both in-text and on a separate references slide.