• Discuss how training, informal learning, and knowledge management can contribute to continuous learning and companies’ business strategy.
  • Explain the role of the manager in identifying training needs and supporting training on the job.
  • Conduct a needs assessment.
  • Evaluate employees’ readiness for training.
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of presentation, hands-on, and group training methods.
  • Identify the major parts of an effective performance management process.
  • Discuss the three general purposes of performance management.
  • Identify the five criteria for effective performance management systems.
  • Discuss the five approaches to performance management, the specific techniques used in each approach, and the way these approaches compare with the criteria for effective performance management systems.
  • Choose the most effective approach to performance measurement for a given situation.

7.2 Action Required:

Here are  five  behavioral critical thinking questions.

1 How do you go about completing a task without clear information?

2 What is the most difficult work-related decision you’ve had to make?

3 How do you respond to opposing viewpoints?

4 How quickly do you make decisions?

5 Have you ever anticipated a problem before it arose? How did you deal with it?

7.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Pick two questions of  your choice and answer them in your own words

7.4 Instructions:

  • Answer  the question in test your knowledge section.
  • Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below (Week7:Interactive learning Discussion


Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain how employee development contributes to strategies related to employee retention, development of intellectual capital, and business growth.
  • Discuss the steps in the development planning process.
  • Explain the employees’ and company’s responsibilities in planning development.
  • Discuss current trends in using formal education for development.
  • Relate how assessment of personality type, work behaviors, and job performance can be used for employee development.
  • Explain how job experiences can be used for skill development.
  • Develop successful mentoring programs.
  • Describe how to train managers to coach employees.
  • Discuss what companies are doing to melt the glass ceiling.
  • Use the 9-box grid for identifying where employees fit in a succession plan and construct appropriate development plans for them.

8.2 Action Required:

Use the 9-box grid for identifying where employees fit in a succession plan and construct appropriate development plans for them.

8.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Use the 9-box grid for identifying where employees fit in a succession plan and construct appropriate development plans for them.

8.4 Instructions:

  • Answer  the question in test your knowledge section.
  • Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below (Week8:Interactive learning Discussion