The presentation

Finding/using dissertation templates – what do I need to do?
Below is a list of the content that will be delivered, provided through Blackboard, and where you will need to actively, and independently source support:
1. Find several published systematic reviews to use – these are excellent examples/templates of exactly what is expected for component 1.
a. Choose 1 (or more) of the, roughly, 28,800 published paramedic systematic reviews to use as a template (search Google Scholar).

2. Look at the “Author Guidance” from the journal you have chosen – this outlines the specific structure for the systematic review.
a. Search and find a systematic review published in that journal you have chosen, to use a template.

3. Use the detailed, universal checklist template for all systematic review types (the PRISMA checklist).

4. Find one of the many published systematic review protocols (these are published plans how to complete a systematic review).

5. Through the taught sessions we will provide a ‘live’ breakdown of a published systematic review – take notes!

6. A general structure is provided in the Module Guide – this is a rough outline.

7. A key lecture and video introducing all the above, where questions are asked and answered will be provided at the end of the module.
But…what about the Research Methods?

There is no escaping the research methods-bits. It is important to remember when completing your dissertation that you will need to know why you have chosen the processes / methods that you have. You’ll notice that this information is not traditionally reported in a published journal article – but you must still know it – and, importantly, you will be questioned about these processes for the poster-viva (see component 2).

Assessment Strategy / Criteria

Component 1 (50%): Summative assessment will be a 4,000-word systematic review which is focused on an area of paramedic practice, and written in the format of a specific, chosen paramedic journal. (The exception to the journal formatting style is that your maximum word count is set at 4,000 words, where most journals are 3,000- so you have an additional 1,000 words to play with.) Students will identify an answerable focused question related to paramedic practice and critically appraise relevant literature. The literature will then be synthesised and the implications for practice discussed. Assesses all learning outcomes. Please note, there is no allowance of 10% over. Tables/graphs in the results section are not included in the word count. The references cited in text are included in the word count.

Component 2 (50%): A 30-minute pre-recorded poster-viva derived from the student’s systematic review. The poster presentation will focus on the: 1. Clinical topic of the systematic review; 2. The research methods processes of conducting a systematic review. I have created a PowerPoint template that you may use, and edit, to complete this component.

Assessment Criteria
Students will be required to adhere to a standardised structured format with regards to the presentation of their project – as indicated by the chosen journal submission author guidelines.

Component 1 – The assignment will be assessed according to the student’s ability to:
1. Generate an appropriate focused question relevant to paramedic practice.
2. Demonstrate a comprehensive detailed knowledge of the specialist area of paramedic practice and question orthodox practice using balanced, logical and supported arguments.
3. Conduct an appropriate search strategy and select relevant studies for inclusion in the review.
4. Evaluate the quality of the selected studies using appropriate frameworks.
5. Extract, synthesise, appraise and evaluate data/evidence from diverse sources and make independent judgements.
6. Apply, analyse, and evaluate the impact of empirical, theoretical, ethical and legal issues relevant to the generation of knowledge in the specialist area for paramedic practice.
7. Adhere to the chosen journals author guidelines for presentation and referencing.

Component 2 – The assignment will be assessed according to the student’s ability to:
1. Provide a comprehensive overview and critical justification for the process that was undertaken in component 1.
2. Discuss the impact of empirical, theoretical, ethical, and legal issues relevant from the generation of knowledge in the specialist area for paramedic practice.

3. Demonstrate intellectual flexibility by answering questions in relation to their journal article and through a critical discussion.
4. Adhere to the School of Health & Life Sciences guidelines for presentation and referencing.