
Part 1: Read the Sannwald textbook, Chapter 8, pp. 144-147 (attached)
and the following article:
Hurst, N. (2013). The book stops here. Public Libraries, 52(5), 36-42. (A full text version is available in the ECU Joyner Library’s eJournal/eBook database).

Part 2: Write a paper of 3-4 pages (minimum) in length with the following two components:
A. Discuss the principles of control in general and what you think you learned and could use for budget control in your career (essentially, reflect on the concepts of budget control). The Sannwald text plus the additional readings (attached) provide a good deal of information that should be used to inform your response.
B. Brief case study. Review the following brief case study. Using what you’ve read and learned, how would you achieve budget control in the following two situations. A good review of the Table on page 145 in the textbook (included in the Sannwald attachment) should help in your response. You can use the Hurst article case studies as a guide as well.

Case study: First situation: A whistleblower in a small public library (a director and 15 employees, librarians and staff, serving a community of about 20,000) discovered that a library employee in technical services was stealing books and media. The employee was most likely able to remove the items after they were received but before they were checked-in/processed/cataloged.
Second situation: Assume the same thing is being done but by the library director. What differences in achieving budget control do you think are warranted.

Part 3: Write a brief explanation of what you learned from reading the following article on budgetary control:
hbpublications. (2020, June 17). The 5 Step Budgetary Control Process. Retrieved from:

Useful resources: These websites have a lot of very useful information and will aid in your discussion.
Applied Education (2022). A step-by-step guide to budgetary control. Retrieved from:
Srivastav, Ashish Kumar. (2022). Budgetary Control. Retrieved from: