Module 3 – Organizational Leadership Environment

Evaluation (White Paper)

With the knowledge gained in Module 3, prepare a White Paper that lays out your leadership plan of action/position. The intent is for you to be able to utilize the leadership plan to positively reinforce your position as a senior enlisted leader that understands the mission, the impact of the mission and requirements of the unit’s people to accomplish the mission.

This assignment addresses the following module outcomes:
Explain the concepts of organizational leadership and ethical leading in an inclusive environment
Demonstrate awareness of critical & creative thinking and comprehend the impact to the organization

Utilizing the material presented and conducting research using documents located in the student resources section in Canvas or open source, develop a leadership plan that addresses the following:

o Introduce and develop a logical leadership plan

Leadership plan should include the following lesson areas:
o Present a plan that strives to include critical thinking as part of regular organization operations
o Developed plan where creative thinking and innovative concepts are an integral part of an organization
o Demonstrate how your plan leads to an organization that models sound ethical decision-making
o Present a plan that demonstrated how an awareness of diversity and inclusion will lead to an inclusive organization
o Describe how your plan will employ resiliency concepts in the organization

Your paper can be one to three pages in length

The paper must be logically organized

You must score a 70% or higher per the evaluation instrument to pass