Art History

Below is a list of 10 works of art, all taken from the image lists posted in blackboard. For each work of art, write a full paragraph (minimum 4 sentences) highlighting the significance of each work of art.

1) Simone Martini, Annunciation
2) Masaccio, The Tribute Money
3) Michelangelo, David
4) Raphael, The School of Athens
5) Leonardo, Mona Lisa
6) Giotto, Madonna Enthroned
7) Fra Filippo Lippi, Madonna and Child with Angels
8) Botticelli, The Birth of Venus
9) Titian, The Venus of Urbino
10) Brunelleschi, The Dome of the Florence Cathedral

When writing your paragraphs, make sure to think about the art historical period of each work of art. Think about more than just HOW the work is made but consider the much larger and more interesting question of PURPOSE. What societal role did the work(s) play and how do they reflect the culture or art historical period from which they come?