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This makes me think back to our assignment last week about the salary bands and ranges. One of the biggest issues facing the next generation of workers is the giant amount of debt they carry from going to school (Kobliner, 2010). At the end of 2010, “there were twice as many four-year college graduates working as waiters and bartenders as engineers” (Kobliner, 2010). Incentivizing performance might be useful in this situation and add benefits, like tuition payment assistance, as part of the total rewards package. It also makes me think about how better reviews and communication could be used with this employee. Getting to know what motivates the employee may give some options to look into other positions that might be better aligned. From there, work with the employee and if they want to improve, offer other opportunities. This could also be a time where the job description might get looked at again to add more advanced tasks. It is also important to have a clearly defined set of expectations for employees so they know what they are getting measured against. Perhaps they are unfamiliar with those. If the employee is not willing to make change and take ownership, there is always the invitation to exit the company.

Kobliner, B. (2010, November 9). ‘Malemployment’ on the rise: The takeaway. WNYC Studios.
