Interdisciplinary lesson

The grade and content area in which you are pursuing licensure
A link to a news story about the current event

How does the current event article connect to your content area and one other content area you will include in your lesson? Do not include art as your second content area unless you have a background in art and understand how to teach the elements of art at the same level an art teacher would. Just because you ask students to color or draw does not mean that you are teaching art to the depth required by the art standards.

Learning objectives with the specific state standards to which you are aligning copied and pasted into the lesson. Standards addressed should reference your content area and at least one other content area as defined in item 3. Make sure to review the information on creating objectives that align with state standards that is posted in the “Announcements” section of the course. You must include state standards from TWO content areas and then create at least 3 objectives that align with those standards. (You may refer to course 5200 or any other credible resources about learning theory.) Please limit your lesson at least 3 objectives, but no more than 5 objectives in total for your lesson. I will deduct points for having more than 5 objectives (example – create 2 objectives for one content area and 1 objective for the other content area. That is ALL that you need)

Warm-Up – How will you introduce the topic of the current event and both content areas you will teach? How will you introduce your specific objectives?
Instructional Strategies: Explain how you will use high yield strategies to teach your objectives and guide the learning. This should be focused on your role in the lesson and what you will do to directly teach your objectives, not what your students will do. Make sure to fully include the current event article in your lesson.

List of materials needed for the lesson, including technology integration.

Lesson closure / Formative Assessment. Note: you must address BOTH components in order to earn full points on the rubric. Your closure activity may include a formative assessment component, but if you are combining the two, you must make this explicit in your plan. This is where you will discuss what your students will do to during the lesson as guided practice of your objectives.

Summative Assessment plan – How will you formally assess each objective?
Provide a homework plan or a plan to reinforce the learning in classroom. This should be different from your assessments.