African American History

You will need to have at least 300 words in this post

Your final discussion is to prepare a letter to the editor of your local newspaper that would explain to all of America why African American History should be taught in American schools.

In your letter, demonstrate the breadth of knowledge you have gained from this work.

If you wish, you can add to the letter some ways to heal our nation.

What steps can we use to end racism and division among communities and cultures.

By removing the history that we have just covered in these last eight weeks, the African American communities would be denied their connections to American History. Recently, African Americans have created movements such as “Black Lives Matter” to counteract these other groups. Many tie slave history to the development of segregation and racism that has spread throughout our country. A Historical Trauma has affected generations of African Americans because of what their ancestors had to endure just to survive in this country. This distrust has developed towards different groups, agencies and organizations. For those who are not affected, trying to understand what it means to be an African American in the United States showcases the need for this history to be taught in all schools and to every American.