Interagency Communication Case Study

Emergency management is successful when multiple agencies can collaborate and communicate effectively and efficiently. In this assignment, you connect interagency collaboration theories to practice in a case study based around a natural or human-made disaster that occurred in your area. Use the instructor-approved event decided on in the Wk 4 – Interagency Communication Case Study Topic Choice assignment as the basis for your paper.

Write an 875-word paper in which you analyze the various government agency components involved in resolving a disaster event in your area. Address the following in your paper:

Provide an overview of the natural or human-made disaster that occurred in your geographic region.
Describe the emergency management steps that were taken.
Discuss the interagency collaboration theories that can be applied to this scenario, and how they apply.
Explain the effectiveness of the relationships between the government agencies involved in the event.
Describe how the effected agencies communicated.
Explain how interagency collaboration was achieved. Provide examples.
Provide recommendations for how to improve communication and collaboration between agencies in the future.