Final Research Paper

ECE-111: Society, Family, and Diversity
For your final assignment in ECE111, you will research and write about a topic presented in our course. All topics must be presented to and approved by the course instructor by the end of Unit 4. The final paper will be due at the completion of Unit 8.

Some sample topics:

  • Influences of poverty on learning
  • LGBT families and children
  • School and family partnerships
  • Parent involvement in kindergarten classrooms
  • Race, racism, privilege and schooling
  • Gender roles in the schooling process
  • Teen parenting and early childhood
  • Students with disabilities and societal norms
  • Guilt as a means of parent involvement
  • Social norms and schooling
  • Urbanization and the landscape of early childhood
  • Sociology of education
  • Cultural competence in schools

These are some sample topics. Keep in mind that you get to choose your topic, so pick something that you find interesting and, as a result of that, you want to continue exploring or learning more about.

Final Paper Framework:
As you research and write this final paper, here are the required elements that must be included. You are encouraged to use your own section headings and should join each part with appropriate transition sentences. Finally, do not forget to write an introductory and concluding paragraph for your final paper.

Part 1 – For the first part of your paper, be sure that you thoroughly explain your approved topic and provide current data (statistics), with your analysis of that information and how it supports your topic. Be sure that you back up your thoughts with support from the research you have found.

Part 2 –Now that you have shared the facts (the data) that supports your chosen topic, discuss the impact this issue has specifically on the educational profession. Remember to support your thoughts with your research.

Part 3 – In this final section, you will provide three or more specific strategies or ideas for teachers that will better assist their students who are impacted by the topic you have selected. Again, the strategies you discuss must be supported by credible research.

Final Paper Expectations: 3-5 pages in length, but this does not include your title page or reference page (the minimum page length is 3 full pages)
Review your paper for spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Paper must be typed and submitted as a Word Document
Size 12 point, Times New Roman or Arial font type

A minimum of 2 credible (not Wikipedia) sources to support the points you make in your paper. Be sure to properly cite your sources in APA format ( is helpful with this!). This includes in-text citations as well as a reference page at the end of your paper. Utilize the college’s library by selecting the Research Resources module, in our class page on Canvas. There you will find helpful links to educational journals and websites as well as the ability to reach out for additional support from the EGCC library staff.

Be mindful that this assignment will be submitted through TurnitIn to ensure that the work you submit contains your own words and correctly cited sources.