How to stimulate GDP growth in a country

After your topic has been approved, the next step is to research current articles and publications (within one year) and write an outline. You will need to use at least six credible sources that provide objective, authoritative, and accurate descriptions of your selected macroeconomics topic. Two of your sources must be from academic journals. Your sources can include the following:

Academic journals
Financial and economic publications like the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, and industry-specific publications
Newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post
Research databases like ProQuest
Your final paper must be at least 1,800 words and include six or more credible sources. Two of your sources must be from academic journals.

An introduction that introduces the selected topic and discusses how the analysis was conducted.
A literature review that provides a detailed summary of the economic circumstances and facts that serve as the foundation of the economic analysis.
A narrative body that includes:
An economic analysis that uses the tools developed in the course along with your graphical depiction of the economics applied to your topic. Provide an explanation of the graphical analysis. Don’t leave it to the reader to figure out your intention. The specific analysis will depend on your chosen topic.
Statistics that support your topic and narrative.

Conclusion and a brief summary.