Ideal Gas Law — Assignment

Show all calculations including unit conversions.

  1. State the 5 postulates of kinetic molecular theory that are used to explain the properties of ideal gasses? (5 marks)
  2. Which of the postulates apply to real gases? (1 mark)
  3. Calculate the pressure in bars, which 15.00 grams of hydrogen gas (H2) would exert on the walls of a 650.5 mL container at 25.0°C. (5 marks)
  4. Calculate the amount (moles) of ethene (C2H4) gas found in a 0.950 m3 room at (5 marks)
  5. At what temperature in Celsius would 60.55 g of oxygen (02) fill a 505 cm3 container at 15.8 psi? (5 marks)
  6. What volume would 100.5 g of water (H20) fill at 750. mm Hg and 15.0° C? (5 marks)