God made us to be diverse, from our skin color to the expressions of our cultures and families.

Children as young as three and four begin to notice racial and cultural diversity. They see difference among people and seek to place those differences into cognitive categories. So the sooner we can note difference, celebrate it, and name God’s goodness in our difference, the sooner children will start building their foundation of seeing all kinds of people in the image of God, the core of Christian anti-racist theological ethics.

Using this verse, pull two ideas from Chapter 3 in your textbook that support these concepts of helping children recognize cultural differences, celebrating it and helping them see this is God’s goodness.

An excellent posting will be about one page long (about 250 words), submitted by Friday evening at midnight, address the prompt thoroughly, be free of grammatical and spelling errors, and include an element of faith integration and/or outside research. If you include a faith integration component, please avoid simply adding a Biblical reference; you need to address and explain some aspects of the topic using the lens of faith. Respond to two of your peers by Sunday night at midnight. No discussion board postings will be accepted later than one week after the due date.