
After watching the TED Talk on the power of belief, Eduardo Briceno shares Waitzkin’s story, and how his knowledge of the growth mindset helped Waitzkin take the lessons of success he had learned through competing with the toughest chess competitors in the world and use it as a formula for immense success throughout his life .

Waitzkin once said, “The moment we believe that success is determined by an ingrained level of ability, we will be brittle in the face of adversity.”

As known from the work of Carol Dweck, there are two different kinds of mindsets: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. Briceno shares: “People with a fixed mindset worry most about how they are judged, while those with a growth mindset focus the most on learning.” Another factor is effort. People with a fixed mindset view effort negatively, i.e., the more effort they have to put in, the less good they must be at it. They judge themselves for having to try harder. Conversely, those with a growth mindset view effort as the avenue toward getting better, stronger, smarter, etc.

From athletes to musicians to chess champions, research has shown that the greatest indicator of success is not talent, but rather, a champion’s mindset.

Assignment | Due Sunday January 15th by 11:59pm

Write a reflection answering the following questions:

What do people with fixed mindsets focus the most on? How do both mindsets view effort?
How do both mindsets view obstacles?
Can you think of any fixed self-limiting beliefs that have held you back from achieving your dreams? (elaborate on your thoughts)