Take copious notes on these film clips. Then, give thoughtful responses to the following questions for each film selection. For each question, bring in analysis from our weekly readings. Elaborate on each question minimum of 3- 4 sentences per question and state why it is significant.

“The Storm that Swept Mexico” – first 15 min

  1. What are the “two Mexico’s”?
  2. Porfirio Diaz
  3. What do the cientificos think is Mexico’s biggest problem?
  4. Who did Mexico look toward for artistic influence during the Porfiriato
  5. What are haciendas, and what control did they have in the economy
  6. Describe the working conditions of the Mexican rural poor
  7. How did the working conditions of many Mexicans reflect what we have discussed about the Black codes, American slavery, and immigrants working in the U.S.
  1. Importance of the strike in Cananea, Mexico

“Harvest of Empire”

  1. What are some of the reasons that so many Latin Americans migrate(d) to the United States?
  1. Guatemala – why would the U.S. want to overthrow the Arbenz government? What threat did he pose?
  1. Where do the indigenous and Maya-descended people fit into the social structure of Guatemala? What parallels can you draw for how they were treated, to how groups in the U.S. have been treated?
  1. El Salvador – What are some things that happened to the citizens deemed “the enemy” in the country?
  1. Who is Bishop Romero? What was his platform and what happened to him because of it?
  1. What is the School of the Americas, and what role does it play in U.S. foreign engagement?
  1. What is your opinion on the low numbers of migrants allowed to migrate to the U.S. from El Salvador, given what happened in their country? Explain your position.
  1. Mexico – What are some issues faced by migrants crossing the US/Mexico border?
  1. How did NAFTA affect Mexican citizens?
  2. Given the nature of media coverage of illegal immigration, how does this documentary counter that narrative that is commonly seen through our media outlets?
  1. Think of a place you would (want) to immigrate to. List the country, and Google what you would have to do to get there. Could you? What would you have to do? What opposition would you face?