A summary of the four covenants and four dispensations in a concise format will clear up many questions from previous activities.

 Read:
o Chapters 5-12 in Pentecost THY KINGDOM COME
o Chapters 3-4 in Korver PROGRESSIVE REVELATION

Write a 2-page paper explaining which dispensations and covenants go together. As you review the chart from chapter four in the Korver textbook, you will see the time periods contained within Scripture references which you will also want to include in your paper. Take the time to provide quality work as these papers are the core building blocks for your final paper.

To achieve maximum points for content and analysis, the following elements should be thoroughly addressed:

Definition of biblical concepts of dispensations & covenants including the two types of covenants. Example: A covenant is a… A dispensation is a …
Description and explanation of four specific dispensations.
Description and explanation of four specific covenants and the Scriptures.
Provide at least two academic resources.

 Submit as a file to the assignment Covenants and Dispensations Paper