Programming Assignment

Write a program that will draw a house with 2 windows, a door and a roof using the JavaFX graphics framework. Add a label to the top of the drawing with your name and a title in the application. Save the program as

Also ensure that the following requirements are met:

1) Java file is named correctly.
2) Name, date and assignment information is included at the top of your Java code file as a comment.
3) Java code is properly indented and readable.
4) Code comments are present within each major section of code.
5) Output is formatted correctly and meets the requirements above.

Once you verify that your program runs correctly and you have met the requirements, create a Word or PDF document with the following

1) Your name, date and assignment identification at the top of the page Ex. CIS-210 Week 4 Programming Assignment
2) Full Java source code listing
3) Screenshot of the code compiling successfully in the IDE with the timestamp showing.
4) Screenshot of the code running showing the correct output.

Archive (zip) the results document and the actual .java code files into a single zip file and submit through the classroom. Please name the zip file with <flast>_CIS210_Week_4 where <flast> is your first initial and last name.

Classroom book: Java Illuminated Julie Anderson; Hervé J. Franceschi’