Genre Analysis

This assignment asks you to write a thesis-driven interpretation of the rhetoric an assigned text, guided by an analysis of key genre conventions and complemented by secondary sources.
Your argument should define your assigned text as an example of a specific genre and/or sub-genres according to one or more key conventions present in this text, and analyze how the text employs, reinterprets, or subverts those conventions in order to elicit a certain response, or set of responses, from a specific audience. Your argument should also explore why the text does this. In other words, what does the text want from the audience?
For our course, your analysis should focus on the use of horror genre (or sub-genre) conventions and rhetorical choices within that genre, and your argument should focus on how the text uses these conventions and rhetorical choices to impact the audience and explore concepts/themes related to the family.
Because form and content are inextricable, your analysis should focus on the text’s language and stylistic choices, as well as its ideas or narrative (this will be true for both the stories and the films). Secondary sources (provided by me, listed below) should be used to present context and background information, and to engage with other people’s arguments about a text or the genre.