Patricia Hill Collins– Black Feminist Thought

Throughout this course you will read scholarly work on questions of diversity, exclusion and inclusion. You will write a weekly blog reflecting upon those issues, but rather than offering an unsubstantiated opinion on these matters, you’ll be expected to offer a unique but informed opinion supported by scholarly research and empirical evidence.

You will have freedom to choose the topic and the particular angle of the issue as you wish to explore it, but there are some clear parameters you’ll need to follow.

Each blog entry must have:

Minimum 500 words (15% penalty for falling short of the word count)

1 citation from academic source materials read that week in class. This must be cited with a page number and author. Sources may not be reused week-to-week.

1 citation of an academic source (a relevant peer-reviewed article) from outside of class. Sources may not be reused week-to-week.

1 citation of a news media article relevant to the topic.

At least 1 audio or visual element that adds substantial content to support your argument. This could be a link to a video, pictures, etc.