ENC1101: COMPOSITION I 135 (24651)

For essay #2, you will write a comparison essay in which you will compare two sources (e.g., videos, photos, articles, etc.) that share a similar topic for the authors’ use of ONE of the modes of persuasion in 1000 words (at minimum).

For this essay, you will have to:

• 130 Points: Analyze and compare the authors’ use of either pathos, ethos, or logos to determine which source is more effective in persuading the audience of the author’s purpose. Consider how effective is the author’s use of rhetorical strategies?

Take into consideration the context in which the source was made (i.e., how does the historical, political, cultural, etc. factors influence the author and/or audience?). You should take into account who the target audience is for each source. o Break down of points:

■ 60 points: The essay has an organized and well-developed introduction (15 pt), body paragraph(s) (30 pt), and conclusion (15pt). Key aspects of each paragraph is present. For instance, a conclusion paragraph possess a reiterated thesis statement, summarization of major argument points, and a “so what?” claim.

■ 30 points: The essay focuses on analyzing two sources for the authors’ use of ONE mode of persuasion. The use of ONE mode of persuasion. The essay should present the rhetorical strategies that the author uses and how it is used to appeal to the audience.

■ 30 points: The essay compares the two sources and has a clear stance on which source is more effective. The essay should clearly explain the extent to which a source is ineffective versus effective using evidence from the source to support the student’s claim.

■ 10 points: The essay meets minimum word count and should not exceed 1100 words.

• 20 Points: Write a thesis that clearly states (1) which of your sources is more effective in persuading the audience, (2) through which mode of persuasion you will be analyzing your sources, (3) what shared aspects will you be specifically analyzing, and (4) justifying your claim.

• 50 Points: Write your essay in MLA format with a Works Cited List. o Break down of points:

■ 10 points: The essay format is in MLA: Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced, titles, header, page number

■ 10 points: Works Cited page is in MLA format

■ 30 points: Proper use of in-text citations (the sources’ authors are given proper credit in the essay).