KINE 4610 – Case Study 1

Scroll down to the portions that indicate Discussion Questions. Provide answers to the posed questions with as much detail as deemed necessary. As a guideline, your answers to each question should not exceed 100 words (if it is slightly over, though, no grade penalty will be applied).

When submitting your answers for Case study 1, make sure to save your document as .PDF file so that we will be able to open it.

Assignment deadline: February 27, 2023.


Medical History
Acute periodic episodes of elevated blood glucose levels but without experiencing hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome or diabetic ketoacidosis. Twovessel coronary artery bypass surgery 5 yr prior, moderate peripheral neuropathy (loss of most sensation in soles of feet), and early stages of diabetic kidney disease.
Medications: metformin taken two times per day, captopril (for blood pressure control and protection of kidneys), and Lipitor for control of hyperlipidemia.

Mr. SD is 63 yr old and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 5 yr ago.

Discussion Questions
a. Based on the medical history, what is the primary disease of concern, and are there any comorbidities?

b. Describe the patient’s diagnosis and comorbidities (pathophysiology).

c. What major symptoms or signs are reflective of the disease of concern and comorbidities if applicable?