Choose one of the short stories we’ve covered in the Fiction module

Word Count: 1,000 words or more

Submission: Submit your essay through Brightspace as a Word document or PDF

Format: MLA essay format (introduction, body, conclusion, works cited page, Times New Roman 12 pt font, double-spaced lines). Make sure to include in-text citations and a works cited page.


Choose one of the short stories we’ve covered in the Fiction module, and use JSTOR to find a piece of published literary criticism on that short story. Then, analyze that piece of criticism, including:

  1. Whether you agree with the author’s thesis, and why/why not
  2. What elements of this piece of criticism you found particularly convincing or unconvincing, and why
  3. Whether you felt the author’s argument was sufficiently grounded in the text (using specific examples from the text, not cherry-picking examples, understanding the themes/point of the story)
  4. What (if any) critical lens the author used to analyze the story, and whether you think that lens was appropriate
  5. What sources the author used to support their argument, in addition to the text (such as information about the short-story author or historical context of the short story or essays/research by other critics), and whether you think those sources are appropriately used to support the author’s argument.

Make sure to support your argument with specific examples from both the short story and your chosen piece of literary criticism, including both quotes and paraphrases. Avoid summarization and focus on specific evidence and analysis.