Lab Report

OBJECTIVE(S) (3 points):


Obtain experimental data that will be used for further calculations from the graphs.

Also include screenshots of your graphs.


Part 1:  One way motion without friction.

Run 1:

Slope of the velocity vs time graph and its uncertainty (extra ________ g is on the cart): ___________

Run 2:

Slope of the velocity vs time graph and its uncertainty (extra _______ g is on the cart): ___________


Part 2:  One way motion with friction.

Run 1:

Slope of the velocity vs time graph and its uncertainty (extra ____ g is on the cart): __________

Run 2:

Slope of the velocity vs time graph and its uncertainty (extra ____ g is on the cart): __________


Part 3: Two-way motion:

Run 1:    

slope and its uncertainty (toward the motion sensor): ________________________

slope and its uncertainty (away from the motion sensor): ______________________

Run 2:

slope and its uncertainty (toward the motion sensor): ___________________________

slope and its uncertainty (away from the motion sensor):_________________________


Data Analysis (10 points):

Be sure to include equations!

Part 1:  One way motion without friction.

Calculate the gravitational acceleration (g) using the formula (6) for each run of Part (1):

Calculate the average value of gravitational acceleration for part (1):

Calculate the percent discrepancy between the average value of g and the theoretical value of g, which is 9.81 m/s2.


Part 2: One way motion with friction.

Derive equation for the acceleration using equations (2) and (3) from Introduction and Theory. Calculate the theoretical acceleration of the cart. Assume that the kinetic friction force Fk = μk *Mg , where is M is the total mass of the cart and  μk the coefficient of kinetic friction which is set up as 0.07 in the virtual lab.

Calculate the percent discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental values of acceleration:


Part 3. Two – way motion with friction.

Calculate the average acceleration of your two slopes for each run of Part (3):

Calculate the mean value of g and its uncertainty:

Calculate the discrepancy between theoretical and experimental values of g:


Results (3 points)

Part 1:

Mcart, g mhang, g Acceleration, m/s2 Average gravitational acceleration, m/s2 % discrepancy


Part 2:

Mcart, g mhang, g Acceleration, m/s2 % discrepancy


Part 3:

Mcart, g mhang, g Average gravitational acceleration, m/s2 % discrepancy