Complete the template

His thesis statement advocates a solution to a problem in your community, and you will consider the various stakeholders, common ground you share with your audience, possible rival hypotheses, and ways you can use the logical appeals of logos, ethos, and pathos to convince your audience that your proposal should be implemented.

Developing an Argument for Change Unit 4 Assignment
Part I: Thesis  
What is your thesis statement (claim + reason)?  
What is the underlying assumption (major premise) for your thesis?  
What common ground do you anticipate that you will share with your audience?  
Part II: Rhetorical Situation  
What is your purpose? How would you describe the problem and what are examples that illustrate the problem?  
Describe your audience. How does the issue affect different community stakeholders? Who would be underrepresented stakeholders? Who can implement your proposed solution?  
How would you describe your setting? What are key elements of the setting that affect the problem?  
Part III: The Appeals  Review the “the three appeals” (Attached)  Respond in full paragraphs for each of the appeals and include specific examples to illustrate how you will use those appeals. Reference at least one source that you can use to support your claims, and also be sure to identify a particular logical fallacy and how you will avoid it in the logos section.
How will you use the ethos appeal? How will you ensure your audience trusts you? Who might be stakeholders that may have reservations or negative results from the proposed solution?    What is at least one rival hypothesis you will need to address and how can you overcome that challenge to your argument?  
How will you use the pathos appeal? What are ways you can connect with your audience? What might be specific examples that you could use to illustrate the problem?  
How will you use the logos appeal?   What evidence supports that this is the best solution? What research will you need to conduct? What is one source you have found that will help you support your claims?  
What is a specific logical fallacy (like a hasty generalization) that you will need to avoid and how do you plan to avoid that fallacy?