Personal Fitness Plan (100 points)

Exercise Program Design Procedures:

  1. In a few paragraphs, what is your overall view of your fitness? Base your discussion from your fitness assessments and personal experiences. (15 points)
  2. Complete the labs below and design your own exercise program. Your program should be goal based.
  • Cardio-respiratory fitness (Lab 3.2) – answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4a & 5. (30 points)
  • Muscular Fitness (Lab 4.3)answer questions 1-5 (30 points)
  • Flexibility (Lab 5.2) – answer questions 1, 2, 3 & 5.(20 points)

3. Did you find this course informative? Does your plan reflect things you learned in the course? (5)

4. Has your fitness plan evolved into something you might try to follow? Are there parts of it you are excited to implement into your life? (5)

Base these questions off of my fitness assessment and expand