Joining Data from Two Different Publicly Available Datasets

Answer the following questions used on GCP and python files

For this homework assignment, you will join data from two different publicly available datasets available through GCP. These data sets are Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) Indicators and World Development Indicators.

In order to complete this assignment, refer to the directions for “Joining Data from Two Different Publicly Available Datasets” in the module.


  • Discuss the steps you took to create the two tables in the directions (include the code). Also, be sure to include a screenshot. (30 points)
  • Discuss the steps you took to join the two tables together (include the code). Be sure to include a screenshot (s). (30 Points)
  • Discuss the steps you took to visualize the data using Google Data Studio. Don’t forget to include a screenshot. (30 points)

Submit: Submit either a pdf -OR- Word doc that contains this assignment to Canvas.