The challenges of employment/work

Paper will
Shed light on the ways in which those suggested readings help us understand the politics of work and labour within the context of a particular week’s topic/theme. Your critical review essay should do more than summarize or describe the suggested readings that you have chosen to write about. It should also contain independent analysis. This means your voice/perspective/opinion should be apparent throughout your paper so that you are both summarizing and reflecting upon the suggested readings.

One way to approach this assignment is by first summarizing content from the suggested readings, then providing your own critically-informed thoughts about the reading’s arguments and the topic/theme in question. For example, at the end of each paragraph where you have summarized one suggested reading, include two or more sentences of reflection/independent analysis (e.g., state your opinion concerning the subject matter in question, assess the strengths and/or weaknesses of an argument that you have summarized, discuss a historical or contemporary event/case study that relates to your summary discussion, draw connections to the required readings, etc.). You can also discuss things that you did not understand in the reading, or that you found really interesting (and explain why), or questions that the reading raised for you.