Veterans and work

Complete an 8-page APA-style paper.

The focus of questions is listed. They are discussing Veterans and work. It has to have a few resources as well, feel free to search yourself. APA 7th ed style

MAIN DETAILS: National attention and funding are being directed toward assisting the economic success of America’s military veterans. Veterans frequently face numerous challenges living outside the military environment. This is especially true for disabled veterans. We would like to investigate, through research, the factors that have contributed to the difficulties faced by veterans of wartime who have transitioned back into civilian life, with a particular focus on those who have been disabled as a result of their service in the armed forces. Our goal is to determine the factors that contribute to the formidable job obstacles faced by veterans. As the two of us eventually would like to look for employment with the Veterans Administration in the future, this is a topic that can help us better understand the disabled veteran population and the challenges they experience when it comes to finding work.

  • Do veterans who are looking for work have insufficient access to the resources that are available to them?
  • Is there a connection between access to mental health and the inability of veterans to obtain work in the civilian workforce?

Use at least 7 scholarly peer-reviewed sources for the paper.