Mr. Q, age 64 years, developed a severe headache several hours ago that has not responded to acetaminophen ( Tylenol ). Now his speech is slurred, and his right arm and the right side of his face feel numb. He is very anxious and is transported to the hospital. Mr. Q has a history of smoking and arteriosclerosis, and there is a family history of CVA(Cerebrovascular Accident) and diabetes. Assessment at the hospital indicated weakness on the right side, including facial asymmetry and blood pressure of 220/110 Hg mm. A CT scan showed damaged tissue on the left side of the brain, and an angiography indicated a narrowing of the carotid arteries and middle cerebral arteries, with occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery.

Discussion Questions
Explain the predisposing factors in this case, and relate Mr. Q’s initial signs to the pathological changes.
Discuss the different types of disabilities That Mr.Q will face and possible treatment plans?

Discussion Posts.
Participate in the threaded discussions. In addition to posting an initial response to the thread topic presented, students are expected to respond to each other and the instructor via comments, questions, and/or additional insight (Minumum 3 responses).