Case Study Part VII: Telling the Story

Step 1: Download the Case Study Part VII Survey dataset.

Step 2: Explore the Survey Data

USB decided to survey their customers, and the survey results are included in the dataset provided.

  1. Explore the data and note the responses and the variables included in the survey. Prepare and clean the data, if necessary, and summarize any relevant findings in an effective visualization.
  2. Use an online visualization tool (such as Tableau, Qlik, or Google Data Studio at to create at least two visualizations that tell a story about the data. (Note that the tools listed are free or have free trial periods.)

Step 3: Case Study Report  

Taking information that you have previously prepared for the case study in other modules, create a powerful report (using storytelling) to the organization explaining the value of using data analysis and the risks of not using it. The report should explain the data that you have analyzed throughout the course case study. Support the report with visualizations.