Writing Question

In this response paper, you need to identify new real world examples that aren’t mentioned in my lecture or the textbook of:

  1. Habituation
  2. Classical Conditioning
  3. Operant Conditioning
  4. Observational Learning

For each, explain why they are examples of that particular form of learning.

For your example of classical conditioning, make sure to identify your unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response.

For operant conditioning, note if your example includes a positive or negative reinforcer or punishment and/or a learning schedule.

For habituation and observational learning, you just need to describe why your examples fit these types of learning.

Ideally, your examples will be drawn from your own life. The goal of the assignment is to help you notice how wide spread, relevant, and universal these learning principles are!

It needs to be 750 words, any formatting you like.