What brings Agamemnon’s day to an end?

  • The tide turns as Hector rises to prominence. How does his time end, and who is next to take up the tide of battle?
  • BOOK 11 (198)
    • How does this book begin?
  • How does the book end?
  • In Book 12 the Trojans break through the Greek defenses and threaten the sips. In Book 14 Zeus leaves the battlefield, and in his absence Poseidon steps in to help the Greeks hold off the Trojans.


  • BOOK 14
    • How does book 14 begin?
  • What do we learn both about the gods, and about the role of women in this book?
  • How does this book end?


  • BOOK 16
    • How does this book begin?


  • How does the narrator describe Patroclus’s request in line 50?
  • What do you notice that is interesting about the narrator in this book?
  • What repeated refrain do we find in this book as Zeus considers saving Sarpedon?
  • What role do the gods play in Patroclus’ death?
  • Describe the conversation between Patroclus and Hector.
  • How do you feel at the death of Patroclus? DO you believe the text encourages that feeling? If so how?


  • BOOK 18
    • How does this book begin?
  • What issue arises in Patroclus’ death that prevents Achilles’ from immediately avenging him?
  • What does his mother tell him to do?
  • How does Achilles’ bring an end to the hostilities this day?
  • What decision do the Trojans make regarding where to make camp in this book? Why is this a bad decision?
  • Describe the shield that Hephaestus makes for Achilles. What is this literary description of a work of art called?
  • What do you think is the significance of the imagery on the shield?


  • In Book 19 Achilles readies for war. In Book 20 the gods hold a council. Achilles’ will be permitted to win considerable honor in the battle, but they discuss how to make sure Achilles does not conquer Troy before its fated time. In Book 21 Achilles in on a rampage. He kills so many people that he clogs the river, and angers the river god who attacks him. Hephaestus, however, comes to his aid and the river god is sent back to his channel. Achilles drives the army back to Troy, and would have conquered Troy then and there if Apollo did not prevent him from doing so.


  • BOOK 22
    • How does Book 22 begin?
  • Why does Hector wait for Achilles?
  • How does Hector behave that is contrary to our idea of heroism? What does this teach us about the differences between heroes in Greek culture?
  • What common refrain d we hear as Zeus contemplates saving Hector?
  • Describe the final confrontation with Achilles and Hector, How is it different than Patroclus’ death?
  • How does the book end?


  • BOOK 23
    • What takes place in the beginning of this book.
  • Describe the games. Why are they important? What does this show you about Achilles?


  • BOOK 24
    • Summarize the end of the epic.
  • Describe the significance of Achilles’ speech about the two jars. What options are available to men?
  • Did Achilles really have to fates?
  • Does Achilles undergo a meaningful change?
  • What do we make of the glorification of Achilles, and the Greek principle of Medan Agan?
  • Are the gods controlled by fate, or do they have power over it?
  • How does the epic end?