HIST 1301 PBE: Mastery Assessment 3 Essay Prompts

Prompt: Women’s Rights

The relationship between men and women is a topic of great interest, and many of the issues we face today had roots in earlier eras of American history. Explore the issues facing women in midNineteenth Century America by reading the antislavery pamphlet by Harriet Jacobs (right image) and the “Declaration of Sentiments” by Elizabeth Cady Stanton (left image) from the Seneca Falls Convention. Read their arguments and use these sources, plus those you find on your own, to write an argumentative essay calling for women’s rights and gender equality

1. How were men and women treated differently in the 19th Century and why should they be equals within our society? Use this question to develop your thesis statement. Your thesis answers this question. One paragraph.

2. Use evidence from the primary sources provided and a secondary source

3. Finally, write your warrant (conclusion). Explain why your evidence supports your thesis.

Sources: Citation information is on the title page at the top of the link.
o Declaration of Sentiments by Elizabeth Cady Stanton

o Trials of a Girlhood by Harriet Jacobs