Assume air resistance can be neglected in the questions that follow. Remember to include a sign convention for each question. Also make sure that for each question you include a clearly labeled (i.e. with given information noted) and appropriately-sized diagram Tiny little diagrams without numerical labeling will not receive any credit. Each diagram is worth 1 point, so please don’t forget to include them! Your sign convention must also be presented with each question and is also worth 1 point.

1.Mikaela throws a ball straight up. Her friend Yi watches the ball from a window above the point where Mikaela released it. The ball passes Yi on the way up, and it has a speed of as it passes him on the way down. How fast did Mikaela throw the ball? (8 points)

2.An apple is thrown straight upward with a speed of 27.4 . The apple is caught on the way down at a point above the point from which it was thrown. Determine the speed of the apple when it was caught and the total length of time the apple was in the air. (10 points)

3.A straight track long is used to race small carts (which are big enough for just one person to sit in). During the race, a particular cart travels the first half of the track (assume moving to the right) with a constant speed of 18.12 . On the second half of the track the cart experiences some mechanical difficulties and slows down at a uniform rate of 0.47 2. Determine the total time that it took for the cart to travel the distance. (13 points)

4.A motorist in a small car travels along a certain road at an average speed of 5 and returns along the same road at an average speed of . Calculate the average speed for the round trip. (And don’t say !) To receive full credit, you must do this calculation without assuming a numerical value for the distance or the time. (9 points)

5.A ball is thrown vertically upward from ground level with an initial velocity of 31.6. (14 points)

A)At what subsequent times, relative to the starting point, is it above ground level (i.e. on the way up and on the way down), and what are the corresponding velocities at these times?

B)What is the highest point reached by the ball?

6.A motorcycle starts from rest at a stop sign. It accelerates to the right at for 10.6 seconds, coasts for 5.1 seconds, and then slows down at a rate of in order to stop at the next stop sign. How far apart are the stop signs? (14 points)