Article Writing Question

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Centered Title: The Wonderful World of Essay Two Reminders.

Remember to use standard paragraphing meaning you start with an indented paragraph. Be sure you have completed all the unit assignments including Discussion Board participation and dropbox assignments. That will help get the essay where it needs to be! Remember, you are writing a review on a segment of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. You are not writing an essay on the topic he addresses. The essay should be 3-4 pages.

1. Have a hook that draws in your audience

2. Start general and get more specific and lead into an introduction of John Oliver and Last Week Tonight. Who is he, what is his purpose. Undoubtedly you will have to address his humor.

3. You need 2 sources with in-text citation that will look something like this (Faries). One source should address Last Week Tonight with John Oliver directly, and the other should address his topic. You will use both sources to support any claims you make about the nature of the segment and its subject matter.

4. Close with a powerful thesis that sets up your body paragraphs. YOU MAY WANT TO CONSIDER A TWO PARAGRAPH INTRO.

5. Do you have a clear topic sentence for every paragraph that makes a claim and is tied to your thesis?

6. Introduce your support (evaluate the evidence using the CRAP method) and be compelling about it (Use the MEAL Plan).

7. Provide Evidence.

8. Analyze the Evidence (be sure to cite) and explain how it supports the main idea of the paragraph.

9. Conclude and link back to thesis and next paragraph.

10. Repeat this in at least 3 body paragraphs.

11. You must have support in EVERY paragraph. It can be the same source, but just remember you need at least two additional sources beyond the John Oliver segment we are exploring. One should address him or the show, and the other should address his topic.

12. The first paragraph will be a general conclusion of the segment and its purpose, while the final paragraph will be a broader conclusion on the topic and a possible call to action. You should incorporate your outside sources into one of these paragraphs as well.

Work Cited

Oliver, John. Host. “Policing.” Last Week Tonight. Season 4, Episode 114. HBO. Oct. 8, 2017.
