TAE WK 3 DB Reply 2

Read the Passage! Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?

The MMPI is called the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and is a more common psychometric test used to assess personality traits and psychopathology (Floyd et al., 2022) The MMPI is more popular and widely used in the United States. I Would choose this over the 16 Personality Test because this test has more of a success rate of determining personality, and is more trusted in the United States. I would like to use this MMPI in private practice because I would be able to go over the results with the patient, whereas the 16 Personality test requires more than one test taker and compares the means of a group compared to one individual. This would be the best for personality testing because of the psychological characteristic that can be compared to the normal personality. When the MMPI is used, it can be helpful in establishing or reevaluating care for an ambiguous clinical picture. When it comes to a private practice you can use it for psychiatric management, and then can be used to create generalized data made relevant to certain conditions (Floyd et al., 2022). The context is used in the 16 personalities for business, school, and clinical design. The MMPI it is used for clinical design. The CPI California Psychological Inventory assesses social communication and interpersonal behavior, as well as predicts a reaction of an individual given certain conditions, and what would be said or done (Sharma, 2021). It also shows how this individual will be viewed (Sharma, 2021).

I think I would also use all of these administrative tests because each has usefulness in private practice. No wafter researching all of these tests, I could fit them all into my private practice. According to Kaplan and Saccuzzo (2018) the CPI, MMPI, and 16 PF all have different purposes in counseling (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2018). I have really enjoyed reading about these tests, and each individual test brings something pertinent to the psychological table.