Design Analysis on Pan’s labyrinth

Use Pan’s Labyrinth. There are images further down in this assignment that you must choose from to analyze. Make sure you read this whole assignment!

This assignment has 2 parts. As with other assignments. You may choose to do this as a written paper, or you can make a video, or you can do an audio breakdown.

Part 1:

Briefly explain and explore the main themes of this film. What do you think the main themes are and what does this film say about those themes? Also, support your claim with evidence from the film. A paragraph or two should suffice for part 1.

Part 2:

Select one of the still images below and analyze the visual design of that image. You need to only analyze one image, not all 3. Make sure you clearly identify which picture/ screenshot you decided to analyze in your response. Again, you only need to analyze ONE of the images, not all four. You get to pick.

Discuss the use of each of the following elements in your chosen shot. You should elaborate on how you think those visual design elements are helping to create a deeper understanding of theme, character, or mood:

  1. Shape and/or line
  2. Use of color / color palette
  3. Visual tone (brightness / darkness)

Identify how each of these elements are used and then elaborate why the director might have used this particular visual approach. Each of the 3 areas should be examined in a 5-7 sentence paragraph. Here are the images you can choose from:

Image 1

Image 2
