Select two different seeds that are available on the counter and dissect them in half lengthwise. Observe each one under the dissecting microscope and draw and label the following structures: embryo, food, and the seed coat. (Hint:refer to pg. 148)

Seed name: Soil Seed name: bestial Total magnification 10 Total magnification (0 C. Gymnosperms Observe the gymnosperms on display and read the intimillation provided to answer the following questions: What are the common names of the gymnosperm specimens on display? Are the plants you observe the saprophyte or saprophyte? Are they bearing cones? Ifs°, where are they located? What does the male cone produce? What does the female cone produce? How does the sperms (inside the pollen grain) reach the egg? Describe the shape of pine leaves. What is the benefit of this leaf shape?

In the space provided, draw and label the male and female cones on display.