Literature Review Project Assignment Instructions


You will select an engineering research topic/question and write a literature review on the selected topic.

The objective of writing a literature review is to provide insights of state-of-the-art knowledge on a topic from established work in literature. To write a literature review is to summarize and synthesize the findings, results, arguments, and ideas of others without adding new contributions.

Upon completion of this project, you will have enlarged knowledge on the topic and skills on information seeking, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis.



Most literature reviews follow an introduction-body-conclusion format. The organization of the literature review (body) can be in different forms.

  • Chronological
  • Thematic
  • Methodological
  • Theoretical


For this assignment you will:

  • Select your topic or research question (Define).
  • Search relevant information from journals, conference papers, reports, thesis/dissertations, presentations, websites, databases, etc. (Search).
  • Document references found applicable to the topic (use citation manager or similar tools if available) (Analyze).
  • Organize references into sub-topics (Evaluate).
  • Document results and findings through a summary of each reference (work done, results, findings, issues, etc.) (Synthesize)
  • Summarize the results/findings and make recommendations (Conclude).


Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.