Unit 3: Discussion Board

Initial post due by Friday at 11:59 pm | Replies due by Monday at 11:59 pm [Timelines adjusted due to the holiday]

This assignment aligns with the learning objectives that examine the challenges jails face with mentally ill offenders.

Suicide is the leading cause of death in jails. According to research, most lawsuits brought on behalf of those who die by suicide or are otherwise harmed while incarcerated claim violations of the Eighth Amendment: that the reckless neglect of the prisoner’s mental health and safety constituted “cruel and unusual punishment.”


Review the case the US District Court case that is accessible below and in the chapter review assignment on inmate suicides. [You are not required to review the entire case information.]

  1. Conduct a high level overview of the case. This will help you with the chapter review assignments.
  2. *Respond to the questions
  • Q. Should institutions be held liable for the suicide of inmates?
  • Q.Who is legally responsible? Should the survivors of inmates who committed suicide to be allowed to sue the institution?
  • Q.Who pays for the settlement of the lawsuits?