Project 2

In this project, you will use Wireshark to capture and analyze a trace of TCP segments, to demonstrate your understanding of the TCP protocol. Wireshark has already been installed on the JCCL machines, or you can also install Wireshark on your own computer.

Follow the instructions in the attached manual, and submit your answers to the questions. Use your own captured trace file to answer Questions 2-5. Use the trace file provided by the manual at to answer Questions 6-13.

You can work in a group of up to three members. Each group needs to submit only one report with information of all group members on the first page.

1. Submit your answers to the questions as a PDF or Word document. Write group member names and IDs on the first page.
2. Wireshark screenshots must be provided to support your answers. You will earn no points for a question if there is no supporting screenshot.
3. Submit your captured trace file (10% of your grade), so that the TA can verify your answers.