Homework: Data Analysis

Required information [The following information applies to the questions displayed below]

Use the Access Practice.accdb database to complete the following tasks in Access. Microsoft Access is required for this problem.

Use the database to complete tasks a through g in Access. Answer the questions below after completing tasks d, e, and g, respectively.

  • a. The database contains three tables containing information about this company’s sales process: Inventory, Sales, and Salesltems. Use the Relationships window to link the tables together.
  • b. The Salesltems table records the quantity and price of each item sold on each sale (sales may include more than one item). Calculate the extended amount of sale (call it Amt) for each item (Quantity * UnitPrice). Include InvoicelD, InventorylD, Quantity, and UnitPrice in the query. Name the query Item_Extension_Calculation.
  • c. Calculate the total dollar amount of each sale. Include InvoicelD, InvoiceDate, CustomerlD, and EmployeelD from the Sales table and the Amt from the Item_Extension_Calculation query. Name the query Sale_Amount_Calculation.
  • d. Calculate total sales for each inventory item.
  • e. Calculate total sales.
  • f. Calculate the month in which each sale occurred. Include InvoicelD and InvoiceDate from the Sales table. Name the query Sales_Months. (Hint Look for the Month function in the expression builder.)
  • g. Calculate the sum of sales for each month.


  1. What are the values for sales that were calculated for the following inventory items?
  2. What is the value of total sales from the query?
  3. Which month had the highest sum of sales? What specifically was the sales amount?