Job vs. Careers

  1. View the following clip from Comedian Chris Rock, where he discusses the difference between a job and career–Chris Rock: Job vs. Career.
  2. Reflect on your life and think about people in life (yourself, parents, close family and/or friends) you know who have jobs and those who have careers
  3. Create a title for a brief blog entry and share the following: Your thoughts about the difference between a job and a career. Think about the following questions:
    • What did you previously think a job was?
    • What did you think a career was?
    • What differences do you see on the way people in your life who have jobs discuss their employment, versus those with careers?
    • Did Chris Rock discussion agree with how you thought about both or did Chris Rock make you re-think about what a job is and career is?
    • How do you now think about these two terms?