Strengths Questions
x What does this organization offer that similar organizations do not?
x Is the organization located near the population served?
x Is the organization affiliated with the United Way?
x How is the organization managed? Has the organization done succession planning?
x What is the culture and/or attitude of the organization?
x Does the organization have a Charity Navigator rating?
x What are the capabilities of the organization?
x What programs does the organization offer within the community?
x What are the competitive advantages of the organization?
x What are the organizations unique selling points (USPs)?
x What are the organizations resources (e.g., assets and people)?
x What financial reserves and/or likely returns does the organization have?
x What type of marketing (e.g., outreach, distribution, awareness) does the organization use?
x What is most innovative about the organization and its programs or services?
x How is the organization accredited? What are the criteria for accreditation? Does the organization hold any certifications?
x What kind of processes (e.g., systems, IT, communications) does the organization use?
Weaknesses Questions
x Are there gaps in capabilities (e.g., services, resources, programming)?
x How does the organization measure up against similar organizations?
x Is the organization solvent? How does the organization fiscally sustain its programs, resources, and services?
x Are there any time-related or deadline-related pressure affecting the organization?
x Does the organization have adequate cash flow?
x How well does the organization meet its annual budget?
x What affects continuity and/or supply chain robustness for the organization?
x Are there elements that distract from the core activities of the organization?
x Does the organization employ reliable data for planning?
x How is morale within the organization?
x How is commitment TO the organization?
x What type of leadership is prevalent within the organization?
x What kind of processes (e.g., systems, IT, communications) does the organization use?
x How is the organization managed? Has the organization done succession planning?
x Does the organization provide written materials (and/or audiovisual materials) in more than 1 language?
x How do the employees and leadership of the organization demonstrate cultural competence?
x Is the workforce and leadership of the organization diverse?
x What languages are spoken by the employees and leadership of the organization?
Opportunities Questions
x What type of opportunities exist for the organization?
x Are the employees and/or leadership of the organization aware of their competitors’ vulnerabilities?
x Does the organization stay attuned to industry or lifestyle trends that affect its constituents, stakeholders, employees, and leadership?
x How does the organization ensure its technology meets its needs for providing services, programs, and for innovation?
x What global influences must the organization remain aware of?
x How does the organization learn about and approach new markets (i.e., vertical, horizontal)?
x How does the organization learn about and approach niche target markets?
x How does the organization handle geographical export and import needs?
x How does the organization identify new unique selling points (USPs)?
x What type of tactics are beneficial for the organization (e.g., surprise, major contracts)?
x Does the organization have a business and product development plan?
x How does the organization explore information and conduct research?
x How does the organization manage volumes and production within various economies?
x Is the organization susceptible to seasonal changes, weather issues, or fashion influences?
x Does the organization offer advanced nursing and/or education opportunities?
Threats Questions
x How does the organization respond to developments in technology, including responding to hacking attempts and/or ransomware attacks?
x How does the organization remain aware of competitor intentions?
x How does the organization respond to market demand?
x How does the organization remain abreast of new technologies, services, and ideas?
x With whom does the organization make vital contracts and/or with whom does the organization partner?
x How does the organization sustain internal capabilities?
x What are the obstacles faced by the organization and how does it respond?
x How does the organization respond to the loss of key staff and/or leadership?
x How does the organization ensure it possesses sustainable financial backing?
x How does the organization respond to the local/home economy?
x Is the organization susceptible to seasonal changes, weather issues, or fashion influences